history of islam

The history of Islam concerns the religion of Islam and its adherents, Muslims.

"Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits to God". Muslims and their religion have greatly impacted the political, economic, and military history of the Old World, especially the Middle East, where its roots lie. Though it is believed by non-Muslims to have originated in Mecca and Medina, Muslims believe that the religion of Islam has been present since the time of the prophet Adam.

Muslims believe that prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, (Peace be Upon Them) among others, were all Islamic prophets, and they have equal veneration in the Qur'an. The Islamic world expanded to include people of the Islamic civilization, inclusive of non-Muslims living in that civilization.

What is a Mosque?

Visiting a Mosque

Remove Your Hat and Shoes: Hats and sunglasses should always be removed before you actually enter a mosque. Leave your shoes on the rack at the entrance. Some mosques will provide plastic covers for your feet.

Be Respectful: Avoid making loud noises or engaging in unnecessary conversation inside of mosques. Turn off mobile phones, don't chew gum, and do not bring food or drinks inside of a mosque.

Do Not Point Feet: While sitting, avoid pointing your feet in the direction of the Qibla - the primary wall inside the mosque indicating the direction of Mecca.

Dress Appropriately: Modest dress is required. Men and women should both cover as much skin as possible; women are required to cover their heads.



Often the most iconic and beautiful buildings in a city, you are sure to see mosques during your travels in Southeast

Often the most iconic and beautiful buildings in a city, you are sure to see mosques during your travels in Southeast Asia. Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei are punctuated with the tall minarets and curving domes of mosques; the mesmerizing wail of the call to prayer resounds throughout cities five times a day.
Don't be intimidated - visiting mosques is a learning experience and may become a highlight of your trip.
Followers of Islam welcome tourists and the general public inside and will gladly answer your questions.
Follow these simple rules of etiquette when visiting mosques to ensure that you do not cause offense.
